Have great ideas for your organization and community but need financial support to make it happen? We work with you to identify grant opportunities and help craft grant proposals. You can choose the level of writing support you want, from a little to a lot.
Grants Management & Evaluation
We can help you manage compliance with federal and local award regulations including financial compliance and reporting requirements including Performance Reporting (PIMS, APR, etc.), Non-Competing Continuations (NCC), No Cost Extensions (NCE), Prior Approvals, Requests for Information (RFI) and more.
Data Science
Our data scientists are experts in extraction, validation, reporting, and automation from many of the most commonly used EHRs (Epic, Cerner, eCWorks, Athena, NextGen, and others). We have PhD and Master’s level statisticians and data scientists ready to tackle your most challenging data requirements and analysis. We don’t only uncover data problems; we help your team design solutions to improve data accuracy and reduce the reporting burden.
Continuous Quality Improvement
The good, bad, and ugly are all part of your team’s journey. Your collaboration with your community and the stories you’ve created are important. We specialize in using data (qualitative and quantitative) along with perspectives from all stakeholders to tell your story, broaden your impact, and create systems and workflows that work for you now and where you want to be in the future.
Website Building
Our expert designers can register your domains, design and implement your website, and keep your customers and community informed with up-to-date technologies and services.
IT Services
IT doesn’t need to be complicated. We work with you to provide a complete IT solution that fits your needs as an organization. We can provide on-site installation and remote maintenance of all hardware and software equipment.